Here's what happens when reality is mixed with some Disney magic.
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PMcD Design:
Patrick McDonough, Creative Director
Glenn Lazzaro, Director
Mark Johnston, Designer / Director
AFCG and Rhinoceros, 3D
Tom Downs, Editor
Tonal, Music
Joanne Ungar and Tim Farrell / Liquid Light
Dana K. Bonomo, Executive Producer
Angela Bowen, Producer
Disney Channel:
Andrea Taylor, Jackie Lai, Rich Ross,
Eleo Hensleigh
Disney talent reinforces the brand by magically creating the dimensional logo on screen.
(15) :10 IDs
(15) :05 IDs
Disney Channel takes you on a wild, slippery, gravity-defying ride that propels you to an imaginary place where reality is dissolved and everything moves effortlessly.
Show Open and Packaging
PMcD Design:
Patrick McDonough, Creative Director
Kevin Jones and John Mabey, Directors
Kevin Jones, Director of Photography
John Mabey, Technical Director
Dave Cornman / Blue Rock, Editors
Black Logic, Digital EFX & 3D
Elias Associates, Music
Dana K. Bonomo, Executive Producer
Michelle Lockett, Producer
Disney Channel:
Andrea Taylor