The promo package echoes the mood of the HBO original series Carnivale, that follows a traveling carnival across 1930’s Dust Bowl America. Titles reflect the feeling of dread, uneasiness and spiritual mystery that form the dramatic center of the series.
Title sequence, Transitions, Endpage
PMcD Design:
Patrick McDonough, Creative Director
Steve Tozzi, Designer
Ralph Scaglioni / Creative Bubble: Digital EFX
Dana K. Bonomo, Executive Producer
Shane Dolly, Associate Producer
Creative Bubble, Tommy Shey and Maurice Marable
Movie clips and original footage stream across the screen forming an intricate lattice of endlessly changing imagery; a tantalizing preview of the best movies and original series showcased by the HBO and Cinemax family of channels. The film collection swirls across limitless space as glimpses of powerful movie moments pass in and out of view. The sense of grand illusion, cinematic majesty, and boundless forms create an environment where the audience is surrounded by infinite HBO and Cinemax product.
Image Campaign
PMcD Design:
Patrick McDonough, Creative Director
Steve Tozzi, Designer
Phactory, 3D Design
Glenn Lazzaro, Editor
Liquid Light, Digital EFX
Dana K. Bomono, Executive Producer
Michelle Lockett and Rosanna Flack, Producers
Marc Rosenberg, Robert Priday